ArenaCX is the world’s first outsourcing management platform. Launched in 2020, ArenaCX has developed a marketplace of 130+ BPOs who together amass over 440,000 seats of capacity.

Your one source for all of your labor needs.

Get instant access to world-class outsourcing providers right through your Zendesk instance.

Complement your staff with outsourcing, using our ArenaCX Get Labor app.

Built by customer service leaders, for customer service leaders Republic Wireless built ArenaCX internally to keep up with growth, align capacity to volatile demand, create built-in continuous improvement mechanisms, get on the same page with BPOs, and refocus the internal team on CX and analytics. After running the program successfully for two years, earning industry-leading KPIs and winning several awards, we decided to share this new approach with others.

ArenaCX completely transformed our approach to support for the better. Instead of focusing on recruiting, training, and scheduling, our customer service leaders now focus on CX and drive strategic business outcomes. Every KPI and business measure improved dramatically. --Chris Chuang, CEO, Republic Wireless

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Servicios que ofrece
North America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
India/Southern Asia
Eastern Asia
Middle East & Central Asia
Latin & South America
Tipo de socio
Business Service Provider
Implementation Partner
Solution Provider
Referral Partner

Aplicaciones que hemos creado

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