
Havelock is a beautiful and customizable theme for Zendesk Guide. It is designed to serve as a solid foundation on which to build an amazing knowledge base for your customers.
*Requiere Guide Professional o superior

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Theme Documentation Havelock

About the theme:

The Havelock Theme features -

  • Custom Block Icons
  • Custom hero image for the homepage and community homepage
  • Responsive web design
  • Set/Unset social media links
  • and more.

In addition of this theme come with - This theme includes the following settings in the theme UI customization admin area:

Translation You can turn the translation option check to use dynamic content translations.

Colors ( brand color, brand text color, background color, text color, link color ).

Fonts ( select from a list of font families Zendesk Theming provides ). You can use custom web fonts (Google fonts or on your own) for this you have to buy our Developer Edition theme because you need to have code access to use fonts.

Brand You can add your company logo and can also add a favicon for your theme

Images Add main Hero background image for desktop and also for the mobile and Tablet

Search Settings Enable or Disable Instant Search, Scoped search in the knowledge base, and scoped search in community.

Home Page Elements You can enable or disable recent activities to be shown on your home page -

(i) Hero Title Write your own main heading to be displayed over the Main Hero background image and also enable and disable it.
(ii) Knowledge base Title Write heading to be displayed above your custom blocks on the home page and also enable and disable it.
(iii) Home Page Custom Elements Custom blocks are the elements displayed in the Help Center.
(a) Show/ Hide Custom Blocks – you can enable/disable a set of icons on the homepage that can be used to link with anything (article, category, section, a page on your website, any page on the internet). (b) Block Heading Write the heading for your custom blocks. (c) Block description Write the description on your custom blocks. (d) Custom Block Logo you can add your own image to display on the Custom Blocks. (e) Custom Block URL you can insert a URL on your custom blocks.

Article Page Elements You can enable or disable article page elements:- Show sidebar of the article in section page, Show author image, and name, show comments on articles, user can follow a specific article, show recently viewed articles, show related articles and social media sharing on articles.

Theme Editions -

Standard Edition: USD 99 (one-time cost with access to free upgrades to future versions -- minors and patches). The source code is not available in this edition. You will be able to change all important settings via admin UI.

Developer Edition: USD 129 (one-time cost with access to free upgrades to future versions -- minors and patches). The full source code is available via the 'Edit Code' button in the theme customization area. You will be able to change all important settings via admin UI.

Precio (USD)

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